Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Few Odds and Ends...

So Here are a few things that I have been working on. Some are finished-some are not

The painting above needs a lot of work. Right now is just a general impression I wanted t get down before I forgot the colors. Can't take pictures while you're driving-well, at least I can't...

Beginning stages of another project above.  The large dictionary is just acting as a weight.

I think this one might be done...

And am still contemplating the above. I've got a lot of trees on my mind these days.

"Workin' Through the Weekend..."

So I spent the weekend organizing and rearranging the studio because our kitchen reno starts on April 1 and I have to get things settled down here... make sense? Of course not, but that's what happens when you are easily sidetracked.

I did of course vacuum all the cat fur off the basement furniture and the floor and set up the tables for an impromptu kitchen...but then I also moved furniture around the studio in order to accommodate the nifty new workbench the husband made for me. Pictured below...

And then I moved aside everything on the wall below in order to fit in the new bookshelf I ordered on Amazon that I am going to make into a canvas holder. I found the idea on Pinterest.

Pinterest is both a blessing and a curse but what's a gal to do?

Keep on Pinning and painting and adding to the chaos

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Another Snowy Weekend...

So I found myself staring out the bedroom window again this morning. I look at the woods and each time I wonder which is the best way to paint it. This morning I saw two triangles in the snowy woods and this is what resulted. Not bad, but I wonder if it needs more color-something else. I guess I'll stare at it for a couple of days and see what happens.

A New Beginning

So I wanted to start off a new blog that didn't have any connection to family members.  Not that I don't like my family but I feel a bit constrained in talking about my art and what motivates it in front of them. What can I say? I'm shy with my family. I'd rather write to complete strangers.

Result of a crafting exploit...
So I will write about my painting, my crafting, and any of my adventures in creativity. Be it chickens, gardening, or acrylics--this will be the place. So welcome to Working Cat Studio....