Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Library Show 2013

I never thought I'd be writing that blog post title, but I did it. Got myself organized. Created, gathered and framed 24 pieces of my artwork and carted it off to our local library to be exhibited for the month of June. That was my goal for this year and I made it before my birthday in September. That's how everybody measures goals right? From birthday to birthday?  Anyway now that I'm a lady of leisure once again, I put together a slideshow of the pieces that I'm showing. Some of them are from photos I took at the library but most of the ones I took there did not turn out to be very good quality. It's hard to take photos when you are not at the same level as the paintings. So some of these are also from my studio, some when they were framed , some even earlier when they were not. Hope you enjoy it!