Sunday, January 19, 2014

Mystery at Working Cat Studio

Sounds like a Nancy Drew book and I'm probably dating myself... but I walked into the studio this afternoon to place a bracelet I need to repair on my jewelry bench and I found this-

"Instant Gratification Jewelry". Who put it there? What were they trying to say? Were they trying to say anything?  Asked daughter # 3 and she had no clue. Texted friends and asked if they had broke in and left it on the bench and one of them suggested that maybe I ordered it after a couple glasses of wine and had forgotten it. Possible, but I don't think so. And yet, I did have a mimosa this morning....

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What I'm Working on Wednesday...

So I got a little off track there during the holidays-too much good food, libation, and Pinterest! In between all those activities, I took a little break from painting and messed around on the jewelry bench the husband built for me.
I've been wanting to do that for sometime but between getting ready for the"Off The Grid" show and the holidays, it just didn't happen. I spent most of my Christmas vacation listening to music and surfing the web. I guess that's ok-it's all inspiration. On the jewelry bench, I did a lot of repairs of my own jewelry and created a few things. My goal was to complete at least one project from one of the many jewelry books I own. I made several milagro bracelets from the book "Inspiritu Jewelry" by Marie French.
I am also determined to bring eyeglass chains back into fashion-only because I keep losing my glasses at work and don't want to look like an old lady! I also made a necklace out of a snowflake ornament I purchased at the Button Factory in Portsmouth several yrs ago. That's the extent of my creative exploits during the last few weeks. It's time to get working. It's a new year!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

What's A Girl To do?

Went down to the studio today to get some work done and what do I find? The studio cats have gotten there before me. No browsing books and catalogs on the thinking chair.

No working on the jewelry bench. Instead I made these-cats on flats! That's what I get for doing too much Pinterest!